Meeting Date & Location: June 1, 2022, 7:00 pm @ FMA ClubhouseBoard Members Present: Mike Segal (President), Richard Fontes (V.P.), Erin Buonomo (Treasurer), Arlene Flynn (Secretary) and Lee Thomson (Trustee)Board Members Not Present:  Zev and Dan (Trustees)  Members present: Gina Markstenir,  Wayne Williams, Ryan and Katelynn Welsh, Elena and Jason Delrose, Dara, Gill Metcalfe, Regina Wolfritz, Paula Grace Oconnell, Mariam Rahim

  1. 7:10 p.m., President Mike Segal called meeting to order.
  1. Moment of silence was held for departed members and friends.
  1. Mike thanked those in attendance, members for supporting the FMA, and introduced the Board Members. 
  1. Richard read Minutes from last year’s June 2, 2021 Annual Meeting & Elections. Motion to accept the Minutes was approved by all.
  1. Erin presented the Treasurer’s Report at the Meeting. Highlights: Current Balance: $3607; Year’s Expenses: $5652; Balance in St. Mary’s is $1774 in a Saving Account, plus $20,784.74 in 2 CD’s. Currently have 97 members. There were no questions about the Treasurer's Report (below).
  1. Trustees reported on Audit of Treasurer’s Books conducted by Dan, Erin and Lee on May 25, 2021. No discrepancies or questionable items were found. Motion to accept the Trustees’ Audit was accepted by all. 
  1. Mike reviewed past year’s accomplishments which included the 24th Annual Causeway Cleanup with leaders Heather & Owen McPike. Clubhouse is again open since COVID-19 pandemic started. 

-beach improvements, added sand and sand wash out problem at the beach-ice cream truck event-yoga on the beach-Halloween trick or treat candy station-Facebook and Instagram pages and pet photo contest-native pollinators talk

  1. Elections were conducted: for the Trustees. Ryan was nominated for Zev’s position that was vacant. Wayne was nominated for Dan’s trustee position that was up for re-election. Both were unanimously elected to serve for a 2 year and 3 year term respectively. Dan was nominated for Vice President position and was unanimously elected.  Arlene and Erin were nominated and unanimously re-elected for secretary and treasurer.  Rich was nominated for Mike’s President position and unanimously elected
  1.  Mike thanked the current Board Members for their service and welcomed the new members before he adjourned the meeting.